1000 COMDOR tools manufactured

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1000 COMDOR tools manufactured



From the end of 1989 to the beginning of April 2024.


1000th COMDOR edition by Religieux Frères
Special edition of the 1000th COMDOR – SP 5000 27X10 – TAPIR 105 – ROTO HARROW – ROLPAF with active organs in black.


We are pleased to present a special edition to the buyer SARL OPTERRA, operating on two sites, in the Oise and in the Ardennes where one of our local resellers is located, carrying out the operation.

Developed in our factory from 1986, the COMDOR tool for (Combined Recovery Tools) meets the demand of users wishing to carry out seedbed preparations and for a high site throughput at lower costs.

COMDOR 1990 ROLNEC ROLLER - ROTO-HARROW - soil preparation - agricultural machinery
1st COMDOR – 1989 – with tube roller – ROLNEC and ROTO-HERSE.

After several prototypes, Religieux Frères saw its development project completed in 1990, with an evolution from the tube roller to the famous ROLNEC.

The COMDOR also enjoyed great success among farmers in Eastern countries at that time.

The entire Religieux Frères team – the assembly station.


Some members of our current team have experienced the beginnings of this adventure, including our fitter Jean Luc, for whom more than 900 COMDORs have passed through his hands.

Here the COMDOR SP 5000 27×10 TAPIR 105 – ROTO HARROW – ROLPAF is a semi-mounted tool with a follower roller system, promoting the homogeneity of the seedbed.

This tool is ideal for high-performance soil preparation It meets multiple criteria for working the soil in a single pass thanks to the individual adjustment of its active components (leveling board, tines, roto-harrow). Its advantage is its flexibility: being able to work superficially or in depth.


The COMDOR is available in several machine references: COMDOR P (mounted), COMDOR SP , COMDOR PL , COMDOR KR (Kliner), COMDOR CR and COMDOR LINE (for no-till)

COMDOR LINE (for no-till)